• Complimentary exhibitor badges, based on your booth size:
Booth Size Badge Allotment
100 SF 4
200 SF 7
300 SF 8
400 SF 9
Greater than 400 SF 9 + 1 badge per additional 100 SF   (i.e. 600 SF = 11)

Exhibitor badge requests in excess of the allotment will be charged $70.00 per registrant. These badges are for booth staff and not company representatives that do not have a direct relationship to the exhibit or those directly involved in staffing the booth.

  • Unlimited reduced rate One Day Exhibits Only Guest Invitations for admission to the Show for your invited guests.
  • Product listing in the official on IEEE PES T&D Web site and mobile app.
  • Use of contracted floor space.
  • Standard flameproof booth equipment for:
              1. Linear booths
                   • 8’ high pipe and drape backwall
                   • 3’ high pipe and drape side rails
                   • 7” x 44” booth identification sign (company name and booth number.)
              2. Split-Island booths
                   • 8’ high pipe and drape backwall
                   • 7” x 44” booth identification sign (company name and booth number.)
  • Management provides aisle carpeting, Midnight Blue. (Booth carpet/floor covering is required for all exhibits and must be provided at the exhibitor’s expense.)
  • General exhibit hall lighting, air-conditioning or heating (during show days only).
  • Onsite Exhibit Management Office to provide assistance during set-up, show days and dismantle starting Thursday, April 16.
Often exhibitors new to a particular trade show are unsure of where to begin when budgeting for booth properties. Click here for a Common Exhibitor Costs form that provides package costs as well as pricing on services most frequently used. The full exhibitor manual will be available in the fall of 2019. If you have additional questions, please contact Shawn Boon, shawn@cemllc.com or (703) 662-3602.
Date Hours
Tuesday, April 21 10am - 5pm
Wednesday, April 22 10am - 6pm
Thursday, April 23 10am - 3pm

Click here for a more complete overview schedule of the Show.

The deadlines are not confirmed at this time, but the discount deadlines are the dates our official vendors will honor advance orders with discounted rates. For all Freeman services (furnishings, labor, A/V, shipping, etc.) the deadline will be around March 27. For all of the Convention Center services, (electrical, internet, catering, etc.) the deadline will be around March 27. Final and additional deadlines will be available in the online exhibitor manual in the fall of 2019.

Each company is assigned a target move-in date, the day your shipment should arrive if you are shipping by truck to be unloaded at the dock at the convention center. Each date is determined by Freeman based on the booth’s size, location, and time allotted for access to the hall. Generally the earlier target move-in dates are determined by the size of the booth and the distance from the freight door. Adhering to the target move-in date is vital to allow all exhibitors accessibility to their booths and to guarantee the show is able to open on schedule.

The target floor plan will be available in February 2019. These target dates will be based on the initial floor plan and subject to change. Exhibitors are encouraged to verify their target move-in date prior to finalizing their onsite schedule and travel arrangements.  To accommodate all exhibitors in the most efficient manner we are asking each company to honor their target date. 

The target floor plan is available here. These target dates will be based on the initial floor plan and subject to change. Exhibitors are encouraged to verify their target move-in date prior to finalizing their onsite schedule and travel arrangements. To accommodate all exhibitors in the most efficient manner we are asking each company to honor their target date. 

All linear booths (10′ x 10′, 10′ x 20′, etc.) can begin moving in on Saturday, April 18. Target move-in begins at 8:00am on Thursday, April 16. This does not mean you personally need to be there unless you wish to oversee the unloading. Your shipment will be taken to your booth and will be there upon your arrival.

Move-out begins at 3:01pm on Thursday, April 23 – Early move-out will not be permitted. All exhibitor materials must be removed by Saturday, April 25, at 12 noon. All carriers must check-in by 8 am of their final move-out day or freight will be re-routed.

Material handling (drayage) is the service of receiving freight at either the advance warehouse or show site. This service includes the following:

  • Acceptance of freight shipped to advance warehouse (freight accepted March 9 – April 12) TENTATIVE
  • Storage of up to 30 days prior to move-in
  • Delivery of freight to show site OR acceptance of freight delivered directly to show site
  • Delivery of freight from dock to booth
  • Pick up and storage of “empty” crates/boxes for duration of show
  • Delivery of “empties” from storage back to booth for move-out
  • Freight transferred from booth to dock for return shipment
  • Loading of crates/boxes onto outgoing carrier

How – Inbound Shipment

  • Check out the weight of your exhibit. Lightweight designs save on shipping and drayage.
  • Remove old shipping labels and attach clean labels with your company name and booth number clearly marked.
  • Be sure to attach a rider to your insurance policy from the time your exhibit and product leave your possession until it is returned. Your company is responsible for your exhibit and product.
  • Shrink-wrap all your cartons onto a skid to avoid any special handling charges. Be sure to securely pack and tape your boxes.
  • Ship prepaid and keep an inventory and the PRO numbers of all your shipments.
  • Alert Freeman if you are shipping less than you initially estimated. This will not only save you money, but also expedite the move-in process for you and other exhibitors.
  • If delivering to the advance warehouse, confirm delivery with both Freeman and your shipping company.
  • Make sure that all shipments are accompanied with a certified weight certificate.


  • Ship in advance to the warehouse. Shipments to the warehouse can arrive between March 9 – April 9 (tentative, final dates provided in the exhibitor manual in the fall of 2019).
  • Schedule your shipment to arrive during the published hours (8am – 3:30pm, drivers must check in by 2:30pm) for freight receipt at the warehouse to avoid unnecessary surcharges.
  • Be sure you hit your target move-in date and time. Penalties will be assessed if materials arrive before or after your target move-in date.
  • For onsite deliveries, expect at least a 3-hour wait for your materials to be unloaded from the time your truck checks in at the marshalling yard. For afternoon arrivals it is wise to order labor for the following day.
  • Check-in to the marshalling yard on straight time. Check in prior to 2:30pm to insure same day delivery.

Outbound Shipment

  • Make return shipping arrangements in advance.
  • Prepare and pack labels for your outbound shipment prior to the show.
  • Avoid forced shipments on the outbound. Contract only with carriers familiar with the tradeshow industry.

As an employee of the exhibiting company (you must carry identification, such as medical card or payroll stub, to verify this fact) you have the right to hand carry some materials to your booth provided the following rules are adhered to:

  • Must use specified access doors, may use main entrance into exhibit hall
  • May not use freight/dock doors (except as specified for the ASUV program, details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual, available in the fall).
  • No material handling equipment may be used (i.e., carts, dollies, etc., however small 2-wheeled luggage carts are allowed)
  • Materials must be able to be hand carried by one person


Exhibitors and Show Management, using their own full time staff, may perform work in a booth of any size. They can work within the booth using their own ladders or hand tools, cordless tools, power tools and other tools designated by the McCormick Place. In addition to the work currently performed, they may also begin performing the following work within the booth:

  • Setting up and dismantling exhibits;
  • Assembling and disassembling materials, machinery or equipment;
  • Installing all signs, graphics, props, other decorative items and Show Manager or Exhibitor drapery, including the skirting of tables;
  • Delivering, setting up, plugging in, interconnecting and operating Show Manager or Exhibitor electrical equipment, computers, audio-visual devices and other equipment;
  • Skidding, positioning and re-skidding all Show Manager and Exhibitor materials, machinery and equipment using their own non-motorized hand trucks and dollies

Exhibitors can load/unload materials from automobiles and small utility vehicles at designated McCormick Place docks using their owned, non-motorized, non-hydraulic hand trucks an dollies.

ASUV (Automobile and Small Utility Vehicle) Program will be available for exhibitors that wish to load/unload their smaller privately owned vehichles (cars, vans, small trucks, etc.). Further details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual, available in the fall.

This applies to display material, not your product set in its natural state. Complete display rules are outlined in rules by booth type section.
     Standard inline booth – 8 feet
     Perimeter booth – 12 feet
     Island booths – 20 feet

IMPORTANT – Please be considerate of others when designing your booth, every exhibitor has the right to be visible!

Inline booths must not exceed 4 feet high, 5 feet in from the aisle (front half of the booth). Please be respectful of your neighbors when placing your product. An island booth with any dimension greater than 30 feet and a perimeter wall greater than 4 feet in height must have an opening of at least 10 feet wide every 20 feet. If you have questions on your booth type or the guidelines contact shawn@cemllc.com.

No display material of any kind, including, but not limited to, signs, banners or logos may be suspended from the ceiling.  No balloons or blimps may be suspended or tethered. Island booths may hang truss for lighting purposes, but no signage or display materials may be attached to this truss. If your ground supported equipment needs special tie-offs to the ceiling for additional safety, please contact Shawn Boon, shawn@cemllc.com for approval in advance.
Freeman has the capabilities to design a custom booth developed to meet your specific goals and requirements. You may choose a custom designed booth, or to save money, you may choose to rent a standard or deluxe hardwall unit. The standard packages will be available with the exhibitor manual in the fall of 2019. You can contact Lori Duckett at Lori.Duckett@Freemanco.com or (702) 579-1424 for a custom designed booth.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs) are independent contractors hired by exhibiting companies. These are companies that are typically signatory to the local unions. They can include labor building your booth, booth supervisors, booth designers. independent display companies, etc. An EAC will only be granted access to the show floor if show management has received the EAC Authorization form and a valid Certificate of Insurance. They will not have access to the exhibit hall on show days. The EAC submittal form is availble on the main EAC page. The deadline to submit the online EAC form is March 7, 2020.

McCormick Place registers all EAC company’s working in the facility. This registration process is subject to an annual fee and provides the following services:

  • Verifies insurance to protect both our customers and the facility.
  • Supports the McCormick Place badge program that helps to secure the facility.
  • Supports the facility protection program that is in place.
  • Addresses professional conduct that is expected of all contractor personnel that work in the facility.

EAC companies that are not registered will not be allowed to work on the property. 

If you wish to host an event or meeting in your booth BEFORE scheduled show hours you must do the following.

  • Notify show management at shawn@cemllc.com with the time, date, and the number of invited attendees prior to show time.
  • All of your invited guests must have a show badge
  • Arrange for all of your guests to meet as a group in the lobby at the entrance closest to your booth and be escorted into the exhibit hall by one of your company staff
  • If you are inviting more than 30 people you will be required to hire a security guard to ensure your guests stay in your booth. The security order form will be available in the online exhibitor manual in the fall of 2019.

If you are planning an event AFTER show hours you must comply with all of the above AND you will be required to hire a security guard to ensure your guests stay in your booth regardless of the size of the group. The security order form will be available in the online exhibitor manual in the fall of 2019.

If you are planning to serve refreshments at your event you will order from SAVOR, the exclusive caterer at the convention center.

Click here to complete the special event request form.

Machines may be exhibited in their normal commercial form, regardless of height, but please plan accordinly for oversized equipment. While the ceiling height is 40' equipment must fit through the dock doors. We encourage all exhibitors to contact Freeman with exact equipment specifications prior to finalizing equipment display plans.  All equipment must be placed at least one foot inside the booth from the aisle line.  Further, companies must try whenever possible to avoid blocking the view of a neighboring booth.

McCormick Place offers complimentary WIFI throughout the complex including its exhibit halls, meeting rooms and public space. This complimentary service should ONLY be used for non-mission-critical applications such as general web surfing and Internet-based email access. If you have any questions, please consult with your Event Manager.

McCormick Place allows exhibitors to bring food and beverage items into the facility for personal consumption either individually or collectively as described below:

    An exhibitor may bring an individual serving of food and beverage with them onto the premises. This will allow for an individual to consume food from an outside vendor on McCormick Place property. An example might be as follows:

  • An individual leaves the facility and returns with a sandwich, a slice of pizza, or carryout, and consumes it on McCormick Place property.
  •  An exhibitor may bring the equivalent of an individual serving for each of their employees onto the premises to serve to those employees. This will allow an organization to feed members of their staff without forcing each individual to bring their own food. Examples might include the following:
  •  An exhibitor orders pizzas and beverages and feeds their staff.
  •  An exhibitor ships a cooler and several cases of soda with their display to provide beverages to their personnel.
  •  An exhibitor sends a runner out and has them pick-up a certain number of lunches to provide to their staff.

Any exhibitor or exhibitor employee who chooses to bring food onto the premises must adhere to the following additional requirements.

  •     Any exhibitor who brings food and beverage onto the premises will be responsible for the clean-up of any resulting garbage or left-over food.

This policy is limited to exhibitors and their employees. Exhibitors are not allowed to bring food into the facility to serve to attendees beyond that which is currently permissible in the facility sampling policy.

  • Exhibitors, Contractor, or Show Management are not allowed to authorize any outside caterer or restaurateur to set up cooking, assembly, or serving areas on McCormick Place property.
  • Food and beverage companies are not allowed to sell or solicit sales on McCormick Place property.
  • Deliveries by outside food and beverage companies are not allowed inside the facility, on the exhibit floor, or at back of house areas.
  • Exhibitors and their employees are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises at any time for personal or attendee consumption.

If your company is planning to demonstrate the use of drones in your booth you must follow the guidelines below per McCormick Place.

  1. Submit Drone Waiver to show management by February 21.
  2. Provide netting or plastic area for drone demonstration (other safety features may be approved upon request to McCormick Place).
  3. UAVs fly only in defined exhibit space.
  4. UAV are prohibited from flying within 18” of any building structure including sprinklers, but not limited to.
  5. Exhibiting company must add as additional insured the entities listed on the sample COI and submit COI to show proof of coverage that covers April 12 – 21, 2018 and includes aircraft liability as required. (Sample COI). This COI should be sent to shawn@cemllc.com and sales@rainprotection.net,

Please contact show management with any questions.

Shawn Boon
Canfield Event Management, LLC
(972) 521-9902

Booth Size Badge Allotment
100 SF   4
200 SF   7
300 SF   8
400 SF   9
Greater than 400 SF 9 + 1 badge per additional 100 SF   (i.e. 600 SF = 11)

Exhibitor badge requests in excess of the allotment will be charged $70.00 per registrant. These badges are for booth staff and not company representatives that do not have a direct relationship to the exhibit or those directly involved in staffing the booth.

No, each company has the ability to register any company personnel of their choice, we do not pre-register the contact that reserves the booth. The logistics contact on file for your company was sent a confirmation email which includes your login information to register your staff.

When registered as an exhibitor, you will be able to attend the Conference & Exposition Reception, Opening Session, Product & Solutions Showcase Sessions, Super Sessions, Conference & Exposition Luncheon, Networking Reception and Closing Reception with an exhibitor badge.

The Panel and Forum sessions will NOT be open to Exhibitors. If you, or one of your staff, wish to attend the Conference Sessions you must add one of the three conference options available in January 2020 through the exhibitor registration system. Refer to how to register for conference or sessions below for further details.

Exhibitors can access the show floor during move-in and move-out hours as listed here. On show days exhibitors can access the show floor beginning at 8:00a.m. and must exit the floor once the hall closes each night. Please note: if you hire an EAC they cannot access the exhibit hall on show days. Be sure to read the EAC guidelines in full for additional details.

There are many ways you can promote your participation in the event and detailed information is available online in the Marketing section of the website which will be available in the fall 209. This section also includes details regarding the use of the reduced rate One Day Exhibits Only Guest Invitation. You can download this form to do an email blast or mailing to invite your customers and prospects to visit your booth or duplicate the one in this manual found on the previous page. They can register on-line and save time and money.
All international exhibiting companies will be able to request a Visa Letter when they register their booth staff for a badge. By registering with an international address the system will automatically ask you if you need the Visa Letter, and then provide the appropriate fields for you to complete. Once the applicable fields are completed and you have completed the registration form, you will be able to print/download the Visa Letter by clicking on the "globe" icon in the registration dashboard next to the individual's name. VISA letters are ONLY available through the booth personnel registration system.  They cannot be provided outside of this system, which will be available in January 2020.

Exhibitors who wish to attend the technical sessions may add one of the three following options to their normal Exhibitor Personnel Registration. These options will be available through the exhibitor registration portal once attendee registration opens in November.

  1. Conference Single Session Pass: An exhibiting company may purchase a “Conference Single Session Pass,” which is valid to attend a single technical session that is part of the overall T&D conference. Please note exhibitors must have the Conference Single Session Pass (ticket) as well as their exhibitor badge (company names on both badge and ticket must match). Ticket must be surrendered at the session attended. Valid for 1 session only. Each pass is $55 and the company can purchase as many as needed and distribute to their employees onsite.
  2. One Day Conference Registration: Any booth personnel may add a One Day Conference Registration Pass to their booth personnel registration. The cost of the one day is $375. You may add this option to any booth personnel, but it is specific to the person you choose at the time of registration and you must choose the desired day at the time of registration.
  3. Full Conference Registration: Any booth personnel may add the Full Conference Registration to their booth personnel registration. The cost of the full conference registration is dependent on the individual’s membership status with either IEEE or IEEE PES as these members receive a significant discount. You may add this option to any booth personnel, but it is specific to the person you choose at the time of registration. You will need their membership number at the time of registration.

All booths must be set by 4 p.m., Monday, April 20.  Any empty booths (i.e. no carpet, freight, ordered services) at 4 p.m., Monday, April 20 will revert back to Show Management to be used at their discretion.

No display material of any kind, including, but not limited to, signs, banners or logos may be suspended from the ceiling.  No balloons or blimps may be suspended or tethered. Island booths may hang truss for lighting purposes, but no signage or display materials may be attached to this truss. If your ground supported equipment needs special tie-offs to the ceiling for additional safety, please contact Shawn Boon, shawn@cemllc.com for approval in advance.

All floor space in your booth must be covered.  Show Management will authorize the official contractor to carpet, at the exhibitor’s expense, any booth space not covered by 4 p.m., Monday, April 20.

No "sold" signs or signs of any nature which designate prices or notices of sales are permitted. Signs identifying a machine or product (other than the nameplate that is factory installed) supplied by or manufactured by a non-exhibiting company may not be displayed. Electric flashers or signs involving the use of neon or similar gases are prohibited. Should the wording on any sign or area in an Exhibitor’s booth be deemed by Exposition Management to be contrary in any way to the best interest of the Exhibition, Exhibitor shall make such changes or remove signs as requested by Exposition Management’s decision will be final in such matters.

Machines may be exhibited in their normal commercial form, regardless of height, but please plan accordinly for oversized equipment. While the ceiling height is 40' equipment must fit through the dock doors. We encourage all exhibitors to contact Freeman with exact equipment specifications prior to finalizing equipment display plans.  All equipment must be placed at least one foot inside the booth from the aisle line.  Further, companies must try whenever possible to avoid blocking the view of a neighboring booth.

All draperies, back-drops, floor coverings or other decorative material must be flame-proofed.  All paper and other flimsy material used for decorative purposes are prohibited.

Cameras may be used to photograph your booth only.  Any other use of cameras (still or video) is prohibited unless permission is granted by individual exhibitors. Please be sure to inform your booth staff as well, this includes pictures from cell phones!

Badges will be required for entry into the exhibit hall at all times. Badges are not transferable. Business cards are not to be used in show badge holders. Temporary work passes obtained from show management may only be used during move-in and move-out. All EACs (exhibitor appointed contractors) must be pre-approved and submit all required forms to access the show floor. Click here for more information. They are not permitted on the show floor without an EXHIBITOR badge on show days.

Island booths are surrounded by four aisles, may be built to a maximum height of 20 feet.  An island booth with any dimension greater than 30 feet and a perimeter wall greater than 4 feet in height must have an opening of at least 10 feet wide every 20 feet.

You must also comply with the facilities guidelines if you plan on constructing a double deck booth or an enclosed meeting space within your booth space. These rules are listed under MULTI-LEVEL BOOTHS OR CEILINGS (INCLUDING TENTS) in the Booth Construction/Layout rules.

Perimeter booths are located along perimeter walls of the exhibit hall. The booths will back up to the buildings actual walls, with no other booths behind them.

Exhibiting companies may construct backwalls to a maximum height of 12 feet.  Partitions separating the sides of an exhibitor's booth from the neighboring booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 12 feet, one-half of the distance from the backwall.  In the remaining half distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of 4 feet.

An Inline or standard linear booth is a booth of any length, that is 10' deep. Typically these booths are 10x10 to 10x40. The ability to have products or services easily seen by attendees as they walk the aisles is essential to all exhibitors, and that is the basis for including a Linear Booth Line-of-Sight setback rule.

No display material may exceed a height of 8 feet along the backwall line.  Side dividing partitions separating an exhibitor from the neighboring booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 8 feet for one-half of the distance from the backwall line to the aisle line.  In the remaining half distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of 4 feet

Use of Space
Regardless of the number of Linear Booths utilized, e.g. 10ft by 20ft, 10ft by 30ft, 10ft by 40ft, etc., display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8ft is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a 4ft height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.

An Extended Header is permitted if the linear booth is 20ft or longer. Exhibitors with a 10x20 or longer booth may utilize a center (or corner) extended header. All other linear booth rules apply except that the center extended header has a maximum height of 8ft, a maximum width of 20 percent of the length of the booth, and a maximum depth of 9ft from the back wall.

Electrical: If uninterrupted power supply is required for the full duration of the show, please order 24 hour power. Electricity is turned on 30 minutes prior to show opening and turned off 30 mnutes after the show closes on show days. Power will be turned off immediately after final show closing. If you require power outside of actual show hours, special arrangements should be made in advance. Additional charges may apply.

If you require the lights be out over your booth you must notify show management in writing prior to March 13, 2020.  Lights out will only be permitted for large island booths where the light is 100% inside the perimeter of their booth. Exhibitor may also be charged if additional lighting is required for neighboring booths due to a lights out request. There will be a charge to you to have these lights turned out.  You must also be present on Monday, April 20 while this is being done.

Double-decker booths or booths with ceilings (including tents) were previously required to be equipped with fire safety devices. However, our Fire Safety Department and major show contractors have worked with the CFD to develop specific codes for the trade show environment that would offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to sprinklers.

These specific requirements apply to all exhibits that have a ceiling or second story.

Booths fall into one of the five following booth formats:

Format 1:          Exhibits with two stories fewer than 225 square feet

Format 2:         Exhibits with two stories at or over 225 square feet

Format 3:         Exhibits with ceilings under 225 square feet

Format 4:          Exhibits with ceilings at or over 225 square feet

Format 5:          Multiple-level exhibits, which require automatic sprinklers or any of the above exhibits with installed automatic sprinklers. Separate fire code items apply.

For booth formats 1–4, you will need to comply with the fire code items marked yes on the following table:

Fire Code Compliance

Exhibits with Multiple Levels or Ceilings

Fire Code Item Booth Format
1 2 3 4
1. Max. Dimensions Yes Yes No Yes
2. Second Level Yes Yes No No
3. Exit Stairways Yes Yes No No
4. Smoke Detectors Yes Yes Yes Yes
5. Fire Extinguishers Yes Yes Yes Yes
6. Posted Certificate of Fire Retardancy No Yes No Yes
7. Certified Approval Yes Yes No Yes
8. Fire Marshal Review Yes Yes Yes Yes

For exhibits using automatic sprinklers, the amount and type of sprinkler coverage needed depends on the booth specifications. If automatic sprinklers are preferred, or are required, contact our Fire Safety Office to discuss your options.

Fire Code Items for Multiple Level Booths

  • Maximum Dimensions: To avoid the sprinkler requirement, your exhibit must be less than or equal to 2 levels high (maximum 30-foot elevation) or 5,000 square feet of enclosed area.
  • Second Level: Second levels must remain open and uncovered. If they are covered, sprinkler protection will be required.  Booths with a third level or more must also have special sprinkler coverage.
  • Staircases: Staircases between levels must be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and meet the following requirements:
    • Minimum of 3 feet in width
    • Provide a handrail on at least one side
    • Provide handrails a maximum of 1-1/2 inches in circumference and turned into walls
    • Not be spiral or winding
    • If the top deck is designed to hold over 10 people, or exceeds 1,200 square feet in area, a second staircase is required which must be remote from the main staircase and meet the same construction requirements.
  • Smoke Detectors: All areas under the second level or ceiling, including closets, need to be equipped with a UL approved (or similarly approved), battery-operated smoke detector. If this space is enclosed after hours, the smoke detector must be audible outside the enclosed area.
  • Fire Extinguishers: A UL-approved (or similarly approved) 2-1/2 pound ABC-type fire extinguisher must be posted in a clearly visible and readily accessible area for each 500 square-foot enclosure.
  • Posted Certificate of Fire Retardancy: A certificate verifying the fire retardancy of your booth construction materials must be posted in a conspicuous place within the exhibit.
  • Certified Approval: After the booth has been designed, the blueprints must be approved and stamped by a licensed professional structural engineer. These blueprints should include dimensions and an isometric rendering. This approval applies to all booth formats outlined previously.
  • Fire Safety Review: Send stamped blueprints to McCormick Place for review with the Fire Safety Division and by the CFD at least 60 days before the show opens to allow sufficient time for any needed corrections. Be sure that plans show dimensions and an isometric rendering of your exhibit. In addition, all areas requiring sprinkler protection must be highlighted. If plans are not provided on time, it may cause delays or disapproval of your booth to occur during the pre-show fire inspection.
  • Fire Guards: Once a multiple level booth or a booth with a ceiling is built and completed, and whenever the exhibit or show is closed for business, special fire watch coverage is required. Use of individuals designated as fire guards is subject to prior approval by the McCormick Place Fire Safety Manager.
The use of sound systems is permissible, provided they are not audible more than 3’0” into the aisle or into neighboring booths, and that the sound is directed exclusively into the exhibitor’s booth. Exposition Management shall have absolute control over this regulation, the intent of which is to ensure that sound systems shall not audibly objectionable to neighboring Exhibitors. Sound amplification may be used by an Exhibitor only for the dissemination of information to the IEEE PES audience directly relating to products and/or services of the particular company displaying such products and/or services at the IEEE PES T&D Conference. No image may be projected outside the booth space or to a height greater than ten feet from the floor.

The Exhibitor shall comply with any union requirements regarding the installation, operation and dismantling of its exhibit then in effect at the Exposition Facility and shall respect all Exposition Facility contracts and rules. Exposition Management may permit the Exhibitor’s own full time employees to perform some specific work within its exhibit space; in no event shall unauthorized independent contractor be permitted on the Exposition floor to perform work. The Group assumes no responsibility for failure to perform by contractors, their charges for services provided or for any other matter relating to contractors, unions or the Exposition Facility.

Exhibitor shall have sole responsibility for ensuring that its exhibit is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and any regulation under that Act. Exhibitors will ensure the accessibility of its exhibit space, and agrees to old harmless and indemnify Show Sponsor, Exposition Management and the Exposition Facility against any claims, damages, loss or exposure, including reasonable attorney fees and costs, arising out of or related to any alleged ADA violation. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the US Dept of Justice ADA Information Line (800-514-0301) and from web site www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/infoline.htm.


Exhibitors and Show Management, using their own full time staff, may perform work in a booth of any size. They can work within the booth using their own ladders or hand tools, cordless tools, power tools and other tools designated by the McCormick Place. In addition to the work currently performed, they may also begin performing the following work within the booth:

  • Setting up and dismantling exhibits;
  • Assembling and disassembling materials, machinery or equipment;
  • Installing all signs, graphics, props, other decorative items and Show Manager or Exhibitor drapery, including the skirting of tables;
  • Delivering, setting up, plugging in, interconnecting and operating Show Manager or Exhibitor electrical equipment, computers, audio-visual devices and other equipment;
  • Skidding, positioning and re-skidding all Show Manager and Exhibitor materials, machinery and equipment using their own non-motorized hand trucks and dollies

Exhibitors can load/unload materials from automobiles and small utility vehicles at designated McCormick Place docks using their owned, non-motorized, non-hydraulic hand trucks an dollies.

ASUV (Automobile and Small Utility Vehicle) Program will be available for exhibitors that wish to load/unload their smaller privately owned vehichles (cars, vans, small trucks, etc.). Further details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual, available in the fall.

McCormick Place allows exhibitors to bring food and beverage items into the facility for personal consumption either individually or collectively as described below:

    An exhibitor may bring an individual serving of food and beverage with them onto the premises. This will allow for an individual to consume food from an outside vendor on McCormick Place property. An example might be as follows:

  • An individual leaves the facility and returns with a sandwich, a slice of pizza, or carryout, and consumes it on McCormick Place property.
  •  An exhibitor may bring the equivalent of an individual serving for each of their employees onto the premises to serve to those employees. This will allow an organization to feed members of their staff without forcing each individual to bring their own food. Examples might include the following:
  •  An exhibitor orders pizzas and beverages and feeds their staff.
  •  An exhibitor ships a cooler and several cases of soda with their display to provide beverages to their personnel.
  •  An exhibitor sends a runner out and has them pick-up a certain number of lunches to provide to their staff.

Any exhibitor or exhibitor employee who chooses to bring food onto the premises must adhere to the following additional requirements.

  •     Any exhibitor who brings food and beverage onto the premises will be responsible for the clean-up of any resulting garbage or left-over food.

This policy is limited to exhibitors and their employees. Exhibitors are not allowed to bring food into the facility to serve to attendees beyond that which is currently permissible in the facility sampling policy.

  • Exhibitors, Contractor, or Show Management are not allowed to authorize any outside caterer or restaurateur to set up cooking, assembly, or serving areas on McCormick Place property.
  • Food and beverage companies are not allowed to sell or solicit sales on McCormick Place property.
  • Deliveries by outside food and beverage companies are not allowed inside the facility, on the exhibit floor, or at back of house areas.
  • Exhibitors and their employees are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises at any time for personal or attendee consumption.

If your company is planning to demonstrate the use of drones in your booth you must follow the guidelines below per McCormick Place.

  1. Submit Drone Waiver to show management by February 21.
  2. Provide netting or plastic area for drone demonstration (other safety features may be approved upon request to McCormick Place).
  3. UAVs fly only in defined exhibit space.
  4. UAV are prohibited from flying within 18” of any building structure including sprinklers, but not limited to.
  5. Exhibiting company must add as additional insured the entities listed on the sample COI and submit COI to show proof of coverage that covers April 12 – 21, 2018 and includes aircraft liability as required. (Sample COI). This COI should be sent to shawn@cemllc.com and sales@rainprotection.net,

Please contact show management with any questions.

Shawn Boon
Canfield Event Management, LLC
(972) 521-9902

The term “Show Sponsor” as used herein shall mean The Power Energy Society, of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The term “Exposition Management” as used herein shall collectively mean the Canfield Event Management LLC, and any additional IEEE PES assigned contractors and those officers, committee, agents or employees of the Show Sponsor acting for or on its behalf in the management of the Exposition. Collectively Show Sponsor and Exposition Management further herein to be known as ”Group”. The principle purpose of the Exposition is to stimulate interest in and demand for industry products, in general (herein “Principle Purpose”). No exhibitors shall engage in any activity inconsistent with the Principle Purpose.

The exhibitor may not sublease its space, nor any part thereof, nor exhibit, offer for sale, give as a premium or advertise articles not manufactured or sold in its own name, except where such articles are required for the proper demonstration or operation of the Exhibitor’s display, in which case the identification of such articles shall be limited to the regular nameplate, imprint, or identification which in standard practice normally appears on them. The Exhibitor shall not permit non-exhibiting companies’ representatives to conduct or solicit business from within its space. Foreign Exposition Agencies may act as third party agents to assist international companies in acquiring exhibit. These agents must receive written permission from Show Management prior to reserving any space. The decision of Exposition Management shall in all instances be final with regard to use of any exhibit space

Any exhibitor failing to pay the rental called for this agreement on or before the due date for such rental shall be deemed in default. In such event, and without further notice to exhibitor, Management shall have the right to use the space assigned to Exhibitor to suits its own convenience, including selling all or a portion of such space to other exhibitor(s) without any rebate or allowance to Exhibitor, and Exhibitor shall continue to be obligated to pay the full rental for such space. Management assumes no responsibility for having included the name of the canceled Exhibitor or description of his products in the show catalog, brochures, news releases or other materials.

Payment Schedule:

  • 50% deposit is due within 30 days of reservation for booths reserved on or before September 1, 2019. Final 50% payment is due September 2, 2019.
  • 100% payment is due within 30 days of reservation for booths reserved on or after September 2, 2019.

Cancellation or Reduction Penalty/Schedule

  • Booths canceled or reduced in size by September 2, 2019 are eligible for a refund of 75% of cost for canceled/reduced exhibit space (exhibit space $3100, paid $1550, refund of $775 due).
  • Booths canceled or reduced in size after September 2, 2019 are not eligible for a refund even if space is resold. Any company cancelling all or part of their contracted exhibit space after this date will forfeit any payment previously made.
Exhibitor shall have sole responsibility for ensuring that its exhibit is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and any regulation under that Act. Exhibitors will ensure the accessibility of its exhibit space, and agrees to old harmless and indemnify Show Sponsor, Exposition Management and the Exposition Facility against any claims, damages, loss or exposure, including reasonable attorney fees and costs, arising out of or related to any alleged ADA violation. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the US Dept of Justice ADA Information Line (800-514-0301) and from web site www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/infoline.htm.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of exhibitor listing in any promotional material. By signing the booth contract the exhibitor agrees to hold Show Sponsor and Exposition Management harmless for any error or omissions.

Hours and dates for installation, showing, and dismantling shall be those specified by Exposition Management. The Exhibitor shall be liable for all storage, handling and/or removal charges resulting from its failure to remove exhibit or waste material from the Exposition before conclusion of the dismantling period, as specified by Exposition Management. No exhibit material shall be dismantled or removed in whole or in part prior to the time specified for dismantling. Exposition Management may prevent removal of any exhibit before the time of Exposition closing.

Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused by its representatives, employees, agents, or invitees to building floors, walls, or columns, or to standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitors’ property. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or other coating to building columns and floors or to standard booth equipment.

Exhibitors shall have housing priority for accommodations and hospitality suites in officially designated hotels. However, applications for reservations by any Exhibitor for hospitality suites will not be accepted unless that Exhibitor is, at the time of application, current in its payments toward the costs of the exhibit space. The Exhibitor shall not host nor participate in any hospitality or entertainment functions for trade attendees, except for mid-day lunches, that coincide in time with the show hours of the Exposition or hours of the Technical Conference.

Management shall have sole control over admission policies at all times. In no event shall any person under the age of 16 be admitted to the Exposition during show hours, installation or dismantle periods.
The offering by the Exhibitor or consumption of food or beverages by its representatives, employees, agents, or invitees within it exhibit space is subject to any food and beverage contracts then in effect at the Exposition Facility.
The Exhibitor’s booth representatives shall only be those employees or agents of the Exhibitor who are actually working in its exhibit space. Booth representatives shall wear exhibitor’s badge identification furnished by Exposition Management, at all times, Exposition Management may limit the number of Exhibitor’s booth representatives at any time. Any of the Exhibitor’s company personnel other than those working in its exhibit space must register as attendees at the Exposition.
Show Management reserves the right to make the final determination of all booth assignments and to relocate exhibitor in the best interest of the show, if necessary. Every effort of prior notification will be made.
All demonstration equipment including the operator’s position must be located at least one foot removed from the aisle line of the exhibit area.
Exhibitors are to abide by specific display regulations for all booth configurations that are outlined in the Booth Rules section of this website. Display regulations will be repeated in the Exhibitor Manual which will be available online in the fall prior to the conference. Notwithstanding any display regulations, display material in an island booth may not exceed 20 feet in height, and no signs, banners, etc. may be hung from the ceiling. Show management shall authorize the official contractor to cover any exposed unfinished backwall, sidewall and to carpet all uncovered floorspace at exhibitor’s expense if undone by the exhibitor by 4:00 p.m. Monday before opening day.

Booth representatives will be permitted to enter the Exhibition at 8:00 a.m. each day of showing and will not be permitted to remain in the Exposition after the closing hour each night, with the exception of the final night. Exhibitors with special needs or events that require additional time must make arrangements with Exposition Management. Special Event guidelines are availble in the Exhibitor Logistice section or please contact Shawn@cemllc.com.

Should any contingency prevent holding of the Exposition, the Exposition may retain part of the Exhibitor’s rental as shall be required to recompense it for expenses incurred up to the time the contingency shall have occurred.

Under no circumstances may the weight of any equipment or exhibit material exceed the Exposition Facility’s maximum floor load. The Exhibitor accepts full and sole responsibility for any injury or damage to property or person resulting from failure knowingly or otherwise, to distribute the load of its exhibit material in conformity with the maximum floor load specifications.The floor load of the South Buliding in McCormick Place exhibit halls is 400 lbs per square foot. Specs for any equipment that that may be close to this load should be submitted to Freeman, please be sure to indicate location of the equipment in your booth and on the overall floorplan.



No flammable fluids or materials of any nature, including decorative materials, the use of which is prohibited by national, state or city fire regulations, may be used in any exhibit booth.
The operation of games of chance or lotteries from within the Exhibitor’s space or the actual or simulated pursuit of any recreational pastime is permitted only on prior written approval from Exposition Management. All lotteries and contests must meet and follow all federal, state and local laws.
No noisy or obstructive work will be permitted during open hours of the Exposition, and no noisily operating displays or exhibits producing objectionable odors will be allowed. The Group will be the final judge of the objectionable noise or odor.
Any demonstration or activity that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to adjoining Exhibitors’ booths shall be suspended for any periods specified by Exposition Management.

Exhibitor agrees that its exhibit shall be admitted and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with the Rules and Regulations herein laid down. Exposition Management reserves the right to reject, eject, or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or Exhibitor or its representatives, with or without giving cause. If cause is not given, the Exposition’s liability shall not exceed the return to Exhibitor of the pro-rate amount of retail unearned at the time of ejection. If any exhibit or Exhibitor is ejected for violation of these Rules and Regulations or for other stated reasons, no return shall be made.

Exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with national, state, and city regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices and conditions for the operation of machinery and equipment. All electrical wiring must meet building and all applicable local codes.
Samples, souvenirs, publications, etc. may be distributed by Exhibitor from within its exhibition space. The distribution of any article that interferes with the activities in or obstructs access to neighboring exhibit spaces, or that impedes aisles, is prohibited. No article containing any product other than the products or materials made or processed or used by the Exhibitor in or as the product or service he sells may be distributed except by written permission of Exposition Management. Sales at retail, for delivery to purchaser on the Exposition premises, are prohibited.
The Exhibitor’s booth representatives shall not conduct discussions, answer questions, or explain their products or services in aisles or in exhibit spaces other than their own. Exhibitors’ booth representatives wearing distinctive costumes, or carrying banners or signs separate from or as part of their apparel must remain in their own exhibit space. Booth representatives may not wear clothing that Exposition Management deems scanty or excessively revealing.

No "sold" signs or signs of any nature which designate prices or notices of sales are permitted. Signs identifying a machine or product (other than the nameplate that is factory installed) supplied by or manufactured by a non-exhibiting company may not be displayed. Electric flashers or signs involving the use of neon or similar gases are prohibited. Should the wording on any sign or area in an Exhibitor’s booth be deemed by Exposition Management to be contrary in any way to the best interest of the Exhibition, Exhibitor shall make such changes or remove signs as requested by Exposition Management’s decision will be final in such matters.

The use of sound systems is permissible, provided they are not audible more than 3’0” into the aisle or into neighboring booths, and that the sound is directed exclusively into the exhibitor’s booth. Exposition Management shall have absolute control over this regulation, the intent of which is to ensure that sound systems shall not audibly objectionable to neighboring Exhibitors. Sound amplification may be used by an Exhibitor only for the dissemination of information to the IEEE PES audience directly relating to products and/or services of the particular company displaying such products and/or services at the IEEE PES T&D Conference. No image may be projected outside the booth space or to a height greater than ten feet from the floor.

The Exhibitor shall comply with any union requirements regarding the installation, operation and dismantling of its exhibit then in effect at the Exposition Facility and shall respect all Exposition Facility contracts and rules. Exposition Management may permit the Exhibitor’s own full time employees to perform some specific work within its exhibit space; in no event shall unauthorized independent contractor be permitted on the Exposition floor to perform work. The Group assumes no responsibility for failure to perform by contractors, their charges for services provided or for any other matter relating to contractors, unions or the Exposition Facility.

The promotional material of the Exposition may include statistics regarding prior stagings including attendance levels and characteristics, totals of exhibit space sold and other information. Notwithstanding these statistics, the Group makes no guarantee of specific attendance levels or characteristics or the amount of exposition space that will be sold at the Exposition.
Any matters not specifically covered by these Contract Terms and the Booth Rules shall be subject solely to the decision of the Group. These Rules and Regulations may be amended or supplemented at any time by Exposition Management, and upon publication all amendments or supplements so made shall be binding on Exhibitor with equal effect as the preceding Rules and Regulations. The Exposition Management reserves the right to render all interpretations to these Rules and Regulations and their application to specific Exhibitors. The judgment of Exposition Management will in all cases be final. The failure by Exposition Management to enforce a particular Rule or Regulation, whether by neglect or choice, shall not constitute a waiver on the part of the Exposition Management or its authority to do so.
These Booth Rules & Contract Terms constitute a material part of the contract hereof, and the Exhibitor, for itself and its representatives, employees and agents agrees to abide by them and by any amendments, or supplements thereto that may be put into effect by Exposition Management.
Any Exhibitor failing to occupy space contracted for is not relieved of the obligation of paying the full rental of such space. If not occupied by the time set for completion of installation of displays, such space may be possessed by Management and re-allocated or assigned for such purposes as it may see fit.

The Group and the Exposition Facility shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the property of the Exhibitor, its representatives, employees, agents or invitees, arising from theft, fire, accident, or any other cause whatsoever. The Group and the Exposition Facility shall not be liable for personal injury to the representatives, employees, agents or invitees of the exhibitor, which injuries may arise from, or be in any way connected with, the use or occupancy of the exhibit space. the Exhibitor will indemnify, save and hold the Group and the Exposition Facility harmless from any and all suits or claims for damages arising out of such property loss or damage or personal injury (including death) and shall pay and indemnify the Group and the Exposition Facility for all costs and expenses, including counsel fees, arising from the defense of such claims and suits. All property of the Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control, in transit to and from, or within the Exposition, subject to the Rules and Regulations hereof. The Exhibitor should purchase and maintain floater insurance, in scope and in limits of coverage adequate to cover against damage or loss to exhibit material, and public liability insurance, in scope and in limits of coverage adequate to cover against injury to the person and property of others, Exposition Management reserves the right to establish specifications for insurance coverage by Exhibitors and any contractor hired by Exhibitors and to require certificated of insurance as evidence of said coverage prior to the staging of the Exposition.

Exhibitor represents and warrants that it shall comply with all Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and copyright restrictions applicable to EXHIBITORS, including but not limited to, any music performance agreement between Show Management and ASCAP or BMI for meetings, conventions, trade shows and expositions.

EXHIBITOR further represents and warrants that it shall obtain any additional permission, license or grant of authority required of EXHIBITORS under the IPR or copyright laws and be prepared to present SHOW MANAGEMENT with a copy of such license or grant no less than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the SHOW.

EXHIBITOR shall indemnify and defend Show Management for its failure to perform the foregoing. EXHIBITORS who need assistance in protecting their own intellectual property rights should contact SHOW MANAGEMENT for additional assistance.

Access the Official IEEE PES T&D 2020 Mobile App for an Enhanced Show Experience!

From your mobile device, click the appropriate button below to access the official mobile app and access search and planning tools for IEEE PES T&D 2018.

Not on your mobile device? Click here to use the SMS feature to send yourself an access link. 

Search for Exhibitors by Company Name

Exhibitors are shown in two lists: “All Exhibitors” and “By Product Category.”  Click on a product category to view a list of the exhibitors in that group. 

The “All Exhibitors” tab lists all the current exhibitors in alphabetical order. The “By Product Category” tab lists the product categories and the number of exhibitors who have selected each of these. 

Search Exhibitors by Keyword

You can search for exhibitors by typing a keyword in the search box at the top of the Exhibitor list screen.  The results will include all exhibitors that have this keyword in their company name, profile, brands or product categories.

Each exhibitor listing has their booth number(s) displayed below their name. An exhibitor listing may have a video icon which indicates that they have uploaded multimedia content. 

Save an Exhibitor to Favorites

From the Exhibitor list or any exhibitor's eBooth profile, you can add the exhibitor as a favorite to your personalized planner by clicking on the star icon.

Exhibitor eBooth Profile

You can visit the eBooth for any company by clicking on their name in the Exhibitor list. You will see the company’s contact information, description, product categories and videos they have uploaded. To play the video on your device, just click on the video. From this screen you can add the exhibitor as a favorite to your Personalized Planner by clicking on the star icon. You can also view the location of their booth on the floor plan by clicking on the “Map it” button. The exhibitor’s booth will be highlighted on the floor plan.

You can view the Interactive Floor Plan by clicking on the Maps icon in the app dashboard. 

Each map will highlight booths belonging to the exhibitors that you have added to your Personalized Planner. You can also view an exhibitor’s profile from the map view by clicking on their booth.

From the app menu dashboard, select Planner app icon. From here you can manage the lists of exhibitors, sessions and personal meetings that you have added to your Personalized Planner.

Saved Exhibitors

Click on "My Exhibitors" to see your list of saved exhibitors.

Saved Sessions & Meetings

Click on "My Itinerary" to see your schedule by day. This section will include all of your saved sessions and the personal meetings you created in the mobile app. 

Add Session to Mobile Device's Calendar

From the session screen, select "Add to Device Calendar" to save the session in your device's calendar.

Add a Personal Meeting

From the Planner section, tap on the calendar icon at the bottom of the screen. Select your desired day and time and add any notes.

Remove a Saved Exhibitor or Session

Tap on the star next to the Exhibitor's Name or Session title to remove the listing from your planner.

From the app menu dashboard, select the My Notes app icon. You will see a list of of your session and meeting notes.

To add a note, tap on the "pencil" icon on the bottom of the screen.

To edit one of your notes, tap on the "folder" icon on the bottom of the screen to see more details.

To email the notes to yourself or a contact, tap on the arrow in the bottom left corner.

If you have any other questions about this event's mobile app, click here to send a support request. 

A member of the a2z support team will respond to your email within one business day.

As an employee of the exhibiting company (you must carry identification, such as medical card or payroll stub, to verify this fact) you have the right to hand carry some materials to your booth provided the following rules are adhered to:

  • Must use specified access doors, may use main entrance into exhibit hall
  • May not use freight/dock doors (except as specified for the ASUV program, details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual, available in the fall).
  • No material handling equipment may be used (i.e., carts, dollies, etc., however small 2-wheeled luggage carts are allowed)
  • Materials must be able to be hand carried by one person


Exhibitors and Show Management, using their own full time staff, may perform work in a booth of any size. They can work within the booth using their own ladders or hand tools, cordless tools, power tools and other tools designated by the McCormick Place. In addition to the work currently performed, they may also begin performing the following work within the booth:

  • Setting up and dismantling exhibits;
  • Assembling and disassembling materials, machinery or equipment;
  • Installing all signs, graphics, props, other decorative items and Show Manager or Exhibitor drapery, including the skirting of tables;
  • Delivering, setting up, plugging in, interconnecting and operating Show Manager or Exhibitor electrical equipment, computers, audio-visual devices and other equipment;
  • Skidding, positioning and re-skidding all Show Manager and Exhibitor materials, machinery and equipment using their own non-motorized hand trucks and dollies

Exhibitors can load/unload materials from automobiles and small utility vehicles at designated McCormick Place docks using their owned, non-motorized, non-hydraulic hand trucks an dollies.

ASUV (Automobile and Small Utility Vehicle) Program will be available for exhibitors that wish to load/unload their smaller privately owned vehichles (cars, vans, small trucks, etc.). Further details on the ASUV program will be available in the exhibitor manual, available in the fall.

The Exhibitor shall comply with any union requirements regarding the installation, operation and dismantling of its exhibit then in effect at the Exposition Facility and shall respect all Exposition Facility contracts and rules. Exposition Management may permit the Exhibitor’s own full time employees to perform some specific work within its exhibit space; in no event shall unauthorized independent contractor be permitted on the Exposition floor to perform work. The Group assumes no responsibility for failure to perform by contractors, their charges for services provided or for any other matter relating to contractors, unions or the Exposition Facility.

This applies to display material, not your product set in its natural state. Complete display rules are outlined in rules by booth type section.
     Standard inline booth – 8 feet
     Perimeter booth – 12 feet
     Island booths – 20 feet

IMPORTANT – Please be considerate of others when designing your booth, every exhibitor has the right to be visible!

Inline booths must not exceed 4 feet high, 5 feet in from the aisle (front half of the booth). Please be respectful of your neighbors when placing your product. An island booth with any dimension greater than 30 feet and a perimeter wall greater than 4 feet in height must have an opening of at least 10 feet wide every 20 feet. If you have questions on your booth type or the guidelines contact shawn@cemllc.com.

No display material of any kind, including, but not limited to, signs, banners or logos may be suspended from the ceiling.  No balloons or blimps may be suspended or tethered. Island booths may hang truss for lighting purposes, but no signage or display materials may be attached to this truss. If your ground supported equipment needs special tie-offs to the ceiling for additional safety, please contact Shawn Boon, shawn@cemllc.com for approval in advance.
Double-decker booths or booths with ceilings (including tents) were previously required to be equipped with fire safety devices. However, our Fire Safety Department and major show contractors have worked with the CFD to develop specific codes for the trade show environment that would offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to sprinklers.

These specific requirements apply to all exhibits that have a ceiling or second story.

Booths fall into one of the five following booth formats:

Format 1:          Exhibits with two stories fewer than 225 square feet

Format 2:         Exhibits with two stories at or over 225 square feet

Format 3:         Exhibits with ceilings under 225 square feet

Format 4:          Exhibits with ceilings at or over 225 square feet

Format 5:          Multiple-level exhibits, which require automatic sprinklers or any of the above exhibits with installed automatic sprinklers. Separate fire code items apply.

For booth formats 1–4, you will need to comply with the fire code items marked yes on the following table:

Fire Code Compliance

Exhibits with Multiple Levels or Ceilings

Fire Code Item Booth Format
1 2 3 4
1. Max. Dimensions Yes Yes No Yes
2. Second Level Yes Yes No No
3. Exit Stairways Yes Yes No No
4. Smoke Detectors Yes Yes Yes Yes
5. Fire Extinguishers Yes Yes Yes Yes
6. Posted Certificate of Fire Retardancy No Yes No Yes
7. Certified Approval Yes Yes No Yes
8. Fire Marshal Review Yes Yes Yes Yes

For exhibits using automatic sprinklers, the amount and type of sprinkler coverage needed depends on the booth specifications. If automatic sprinklers are preferred, or are required, contact our Fire Safety Office to discuss your options.

Fire Code Items for Multiple Level Booths

  • Maximum Dimensions: To avoid the sprinkler requirement, your exhibit must be less than or equal to 2 levels high (maximum 30-foot elevation) or 5,000 square feet of enclosed area.
  • Second Level: Second levels must remain open and uncovered. If they are covered, sprinkler protection will be required.  Booths with a third level or more must also have special sprinkler coverage.
  • Staircases: Staircases between levels must be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and meet the following requirements:
    • Minimum of 3 feet in width
    • Provide a handrail on at least one side
    • Provide handrails a maximum of 1-1/2 inches in circumference and turned into walls
    • Not be spiral or winding
    • If the top deck is designed to hold over 10 people, or exceeds 1,200 square feet in area, a second staircase is required which must be remote from the main staircase and meet the same construction requirements.
  • Smoke Detectors: All areas under the second level or ceiling, including closets, need to be equipped with a UL approved (or similarly approved), battery-operated smoke detector. If this space is enclosed after hours, the smoke detector must be audible outside the enclosed area.
  • Fire Extinguishers: A UL-approved (or similarly approved) 2-1/2 pound ABC-type fire extinguisher must be posted in a clearly visible and readily accessible area for each 500 square-foot enclosure.
  • Posted Certificate of Fire Retardancy: A certificate verifying the fire retardancy of your booth construction materials must be posted in a conspicuous place within the exhibit.
  • Certified Approval: After the booth has been designed, the blueprints must be approved and stamped by a licensed professional structural engineer. These blueprints should include dimensions and an isometric rendering. This approval applies to all booth formats outlined previously.
  • Fire Safety Review: Send stamped blueprints to McCormick Place for review with the Fire Safety Division and by the CFD at least 60 days before the show opens to allow sufficient time for any needed corrections. Be sure that plans show dimensions and an isometric rendering of your exhibit. In addition, all areas requiring sprinkler protection must be highlighted. If plans are not provided on time, it may cause delays or disapproval of your booth to occur during the pre-show fire inspection.
  • Fire Guards: Once a multiple level booth or a booth with a ceiling is built and completed, and whenever the exhibit or show is closed for business, special fire watch coverage is required. Use of individuals designated as fire guards is subject to prior approval by the McCormick Place Fire Safety Manager.
All demonstration equipment including the operator’s position must be located at least one foot removed from the aisle line of the exhibit area.
Exhibitors are to abide by specific display regulations for all booth configurations that are outlined in the Booth Rules section of this website. Display regulations will be repeated in the Exhibitor Manual which will be available online in the fall prior to the conference. Notwithstanding any display regulations, display material in an island booth may not exceed 20 feet in height, and no signs, banners, etc. may be hung from the ceiling. Show management shall authorize the official contractor to cover any exposed unfinished backwall, sidewall and to carpet all uncovered floorspace at exhibitor’s expense if undone by the exhibitor by 4:00 p.m. Monday before opening day.

Under no circumstances may the weight of any equipment or exhibit material exceed the Exposition Facility’s maximum floor load. The Exhibitor accepts full and sole responsibility for any injury or damage to property or person resulting from failure knowingly or otherwise, to distribute the load of its exhibit material in conformity with the maximum floor load specifications.The floor load of the South Buliding in McCormick Place exhibit halls is 400 lbs per square foot. Specs for any equipment that that may be close to this load should be submitted to Freeman, please be sure to indicate location of the equipment in your booth and on the overall floorplan.



Any demonstration or activity that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to adjoining Exhibitors’ booths shall be suspended for any periods specified by Exposition Management.

End-caps are NOT permitted. Linear booths must be next to each other (not back-to-back) - cannot combine two end booths to face a "main" aisle.

This applies to display material, not your product set in its natural state. Complete display rules are outlined in rules by booth type section.
     Standard inline booth – 8 feet
     Perimeter booth – 12 feet
     Island booths – 20 feet

IMPORTANT – Please be considerate of others when designing your booth, every exhibitor has the right to be visible!

Inline booths must not exceed 4 feet high, 5 feet in from the aisle (front half of the booth). Please be respectful of your neighbors when placing your product. An island booth with any dimension greater than 30 feet and a perimeter wall greater than 4 feet in height must have an opening of at least 10 feet wide every 20 feet. If you have questions on your booth type or the guidelines contact shawn@cemllc.com.

Island booths are surrounded by four aisles, may be built to a maximum height of 20 feet.  An island booth with any dimension greater than 30 feet and a perimeter wall greater than 4 feet in height must have an opening of at least 10 feet wide every 20 feet.

You must also comply with the facilities guidelines if you plan on constructing a double deck booth or an enclosed meeting space within your booth space. These rules are listed under MULTI-LEVEL BOOTHS OR CEILINGS (INCLUDING TENTS) in the Booth Construction/Layout rules.

Perimeter booths are located along perimeter walls of the exhibit hall. The booths will back up to the buildings actual walls, with no other booths behind them.

Exhibiting companies may construct backwalls to a maximum height of 12 feet.  Partitions separating the sides of an exhibitor's booth from the neighboring booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 12 feet, one-half of the distance from the backwall.  In the remaining half distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of 4 feet.

An Inline or standard linear booth is a booth of any length, that is 10' deep. Typically these booths are 10x10 to 10x40. The ability to have products or services easily seen by attendees as they walk the aisles is essential to all exhibitors, and that is the basis for including a Linear Booth Line-of-Sight setback rule.

No display material may exceed a height of 8 feet along the backwall line.  Side dividing partitions separating an exhibitor from the neighboring booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 8 feet for one-half of the distance from the backwall line to the aisle line.  In the remaining half distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of 4 feet

Use of Space
Regardless of the number of Linear Booths utilized, e.g. 10ft by 20ft, 10ft by 30ft, 10ft by 40ft, etc., display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8ft is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space, with a 4ft height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.

An Extended Header is permitted if the linear booth is 20ft or longer. Exhibitors with a 10x20 or longer booth may utilize a center (or corner) extended header. All other linear booth rules apply except that the center extended header has a maximum height of 8ft, a maximum width of 20 percent of the length of the booth, and a maximum depth of 9ft from the back wall.

No display material of any kind, including, but not limited to, signs, banners or logos may be suspended from the ceiling.  No balloons or blimps may be suspended or tethered. Island booths may hang truss for lighting purposes, but no signage or display materials may be attached to this truss. If your ground supported equipment needs special tie-offs to the ceiling for additional safety, please contact Shawn Boon, shawn@cemllc.com for approval in advance.

End-caps are NOT permitted. Linear booths must be next to each other (not back-to-back) - cannot combine two end booths to face a "main" aisle.

McCormick Place offers complimentary WIFI throughout the complex including its exhibit halls, meeting rooms and public space. This complimentary service should ONLY be used for non-mission-critical applications such as general web surfing and Internet-based email access. If you have any questions, please consult with your Event Manager.

If your company is planning to demonstrate the use of drones in your booth you must follow the guidelines below per McCormick Place.

  1. Submit Drone Waiver to show management by February 21.
  2. Provide netting or plastic area for drone demonstration (other safety features may be approved upon request to McCormick Place).
  3. UAVs fly only in defined exhibit space.
  4. UAV are prohibited from flying within 18” of any building structure including sprinklers, but not limited to.
  5. Exhibiting company must add as additional insured the entities listed on the sample COI and submit COI to show proof of coverage that covers April 12 – 21, 2018 and includes aircraft liability as required. (Sample COI). This COI should be sent to shawn@cemllc.com and sales@rainprotection.net,

Please contact show management with any questions.

Shawn Boon
Canfield Event Management, LLC
(972) 521-9902