1 Source Solar, LLC 4078
3E - Kohler/Rehlko Generators 4050
4Harvest 312
4-L Manufacturing 2542
ABE-Iowa State University 121
Able Ag Solutions 221
Accu-Steel/Hedgewood Equipment 807
Ace Electric 4066, 4067
Ace Pump Corporation 1047
Acme Tools 4034 Upgraded
AcreShield 303
AcresTV 404
ADM Fertilizer 1203
Advantage Lifts 1300
AeroCrop Ag Solutions  3814
Aeroseeder LLC 506
Ag Advantage, Inc. 108
Ag Design LLC 709
Ag Express Electronics 1025
Ag Focus 827
Ag Leader 831
Ag Resource Management LLC 116
Ag Spray Equipment 1320 Upgraded
Ag Storm Equipment 3006 Upgraded
Ag Trader Talk 2520
Ag Ventures Alliance Cooperative 401 Upgraded
AgChemical.com 941
AGCO/Iowa AGCO Dealers Association 2118
agGRO 501
AGI 2332
Agoro Carbon Alliance Inc 927
AgPoint Solutions 3022
Agra-GPS Ltd. 508
Agri Spray Drones 3400
AgriBrink USA 1628
Agri-Dynamics LLC 505
Agri-SC/FourStar Services 227
AgriTec Int 216
Agri-Tool & Supply LLC 4099
Agriwater 3401
AGROLiquid 733
AgroPlantae Inc. 511
AgSource Laboratories 118
AgSynergy 1721 Upgraded
Agtronix/Ruiter Innovations 514 Upgraded
AgVice LLC 729
AgZen Inc. 313
AIRSTRIKE AG 2566 Upgraded
AKE Safety Equipment 701
American Legacy Land Co.  1922
American Windpower 2316 Upgraded
Amos Power 3405
AMVAC Chemical 1017
ANA Ag Technologies 1129
Apache Mfg. 811
Arnolds/Class 1708
Assured Partners 112
Astra Security 524
Astro Buildings, Inc. 322 Upgraded
Available Material Handling 3026
Avtar Exports 615
Azotic Technologies Limited 411 Upgraded
Baker Group 4046
Banjo Corporation 1030
Battery Saver 2562
Bay Shore Sales, LLC 1624
Beaver Valley Supply 2100
Beck's Hybrids 2531 Upgraded
Bedrock Concrete Products 3504
Belchim Crop Protection 623
Bergman Mfg. Inc. 1514
Bierman Inc. 1235
BigIron Auction Co. 813
BigYield.us 620
Biosphere Drone Solutions 3302
Bird Control Group 217
Bjornsen Pond Management Services, LLC 3002
Blairs Disc Sharpening 1221
Bobcat 1508
Boehlerit 4110
Bohlmann Inc. 4134
Bomgaars/Dewalt Tools 3510, 3932 Upgraded
Bovi-Jet 415
Brandt Industries USA Ltd. 3204
Breezy Mills of Iowa llc 3900
BridgRid, Inc 206
Bruellman Cressler Bin Movers 421
Burkholder Ag 3700
Bushel Plus 4064
BW Fusion 202 Upgraded
C & R Supply, Inc 1125
Cabmonitor.com by DWE 604
Calmer, Inc. 3100
Camso/Rubber Track Solutions 4058
Capstan AG 2528
Carbon375 710
Cargill 712
Case IH 2016
CDL-NOW 4122
Cedar Ridge Aviation 1923 Upgraded
Cenex 1900
Central Iowa Agronomy & Supply 2527 Upgraded
Central Petroleum Co. 914
Central Wisconsin Ag Services 106
Century Farms Distillery 513
CFI Tire 4166
Champion Seed 1034
Changing Times, LLC 225
Chief Agri 4015
Cleary Building Corp. 113
Conklin Agrovantage 621
Conklin Crop Mgmt. Prod. 723
Copperhead Ag 1500
Cornelius Seed 2539
Country Clipper 1117
Country Enterprises 4065
Coyote Machining, LLC 214
Crary Industries 1420
Cressoni - Cressco USA Inc. 1614
D & B Agro-Systems 745, 3916
Dakota Fluid Power 114
Davis Equipment Corporation 2238 Upgraded
Davis Seed Co. 743
Degelman 2460
Delux Mfg. 1715
Des Moines Diesel 1016
Deveron 804
Diamond Doors Inc 3018
DigiFarm VBN 522
Drago 2432 Upgraded
Drinking Post Waterers 4154
Dultmeier 1012
Duo Lift/Busch Equipment 1520
E4 Crop Intelligence 707
Eagle Point Solar 1112
EasyFarm - Vertical Solutions, Inc. 319
Edison Lighting Supply LLC 503
Egbers Flighting Co., Inc. 1600
Einböck / Farm Power Distribution 4019
Ellingson Air Seeder Repair, LLC 3028
Elmers Mfg 2362
Energy Curve Technologies 201
Energy Panel Structures 4119
Environmental Tillage Systems 2523
Erixon Equipment 3708 Upgraded
EvenMix 510
Ever.Ag 1919
Everlast Industries 2500
F/S Manufacturing 810
Fabra Dome 2552
Fair Mfg. Inc. 1400
Fairbank Equipment 3600
Farm & Ranch Connection 1920
Farm Bureau Financial Services 423 Upgraded
Farm Credit Services of America 848 Upgraded
Farmada 2317
FarmChem 4035
Farmers Hot Line 730
Farmers National Company 628
Fast Ag Solutions 2112
Fellowship of Christian Farmers Int'l. 219
Ferticell 2565
Fertilizer Dealer Supply 2101
Financial Wealth Solutions 1925
Firestone Ag 1226
Fish Head Farms 109
Flexxifinger USA, Inc. 4093
FMC Corp. 207
Frederick Welding 4060
Freedom Buildings Inc. 1035
Friedman Distributing, Inc. 1840
Frommelt Ag Service 626
Frontier Futures, Inc. 1104
G & P Balancing, Welding, & Repair 1201
G&H Petroleum Enhancer Products 2560
Gear Head Lube 1918
Geringhoff 2000 Upgraded
Gingerich Structures, LLC 4106
GK Technology Inc 4161
Global Track Warehouse 4030
Go Farm Yourself 920
Graham Electric Planter 4098
Grain Elevator Repair Products 622
Grain Handler USA 228
Grain Systems Distribution 1714
Grain Weevil 414
Greeneye Technologies 1206
Greenfield Contractors 613
Greiner Buildings 751
Groundwork BioAg, Ltd. 410
Grow Source 4087 Upgraded
Growers Mineral Solutions 800
HaFa Industries 504
Hakl & Associates 111
Halley's Camps 2516 Upgraded
Hands on Excavating LLC 1116
Harvest Increase Agriculture 403
Harvest International 1124
Haven Industries 127
Heads Up Plant Protectants 210 Upgraded
Heartland Farm Partners 735
Heartland Financial Resource Group 1128
Herc-U-Lift 4148
Herrs Machine Hydrostatics 4132
Herschel Parts 1909
Heuss Distributing 4018 Upgraded
Highline Manufacturing 1401
Hillco Technologies 4005 Upgraded
HitchDoc 2338
Hoegemeyer Hybrids 2545
Honey Bee Mfg. 1424 Upgraded
Horsch LLC 2344 Upgraded
Hotsy Cleaning Systems 4000
HTS Ag 1210
Huma 4163
Hundertmark Cleaning Systems. Inc. 906
Hunt Utilities Group 1907
Hustler Turf Equipment 1814
Hytech Marketing 120
I Beam Sliding Doors 746
I.V. Chem 2533
Ihle Fabrications 943
Indigo Agriculture 1147
Infocus Manufacturing 1611
Intellifarms Northern Division, Inc. 611
Iowa Concrete Products 4157
Iowa Corn 852
Iowa Farm Finance Corp 719
Iowa Farm Service Agency 1916
Iowa Farmer Today 2553
Iowa FFA Foundation, Inc. 752
Iowa Foam Insulators, LLC 4001
IQ Water Systems US LLC 309
J. Assy Co 402
Jack's OK Tire 4074
Jamison Ag Repair 1106
JED Construction 519
Jet Company 2153
John Boyt Industrial Sewing 2571
John Deere 2038
John Pitzer Sales 4084
Johnson Mfg., Inc. 2111
Johnson Power Systems 1620
Jordan Ag Supply, Inc. 1850
Jung Enterprise, Inc. 1601
K & M Ag Construction 2224
K & M Manufacturing 1107
Kay Tank Corp. 913
KDB Land and Air LLC 4121 Upgraded
Kelly Tree Farm 4165
Kiloterra 526
Kimberley Ag / Maya 3106
Kubota 1406 Upgraded
Kuchar High Performance Parts 4190 Upgraded
Kuhn Krause, Inc 2258
L & D Ag Service 1905
Land Pride 1513
Landoll Company, LLC 2250
Lankota Group, Inc. 1716
LDM Ag Services, LLC 4040
Leading Edge Builders, LLC 1040
Leading Edge Industries 1011
Lee Mechanical LLC 3904
Lemken USA 2164
Lester Building Systems, LLC 1220
Lewis Cattle Oilers/MB Enterprise 1842
LiquiTube Total Tire Protection 4097
Lloyd & Meredith 830
Logic Ag Marketing 1113
Longnecker Fertilizers, LLC 901
Luft & Sons Farm Drainage 753
Lundell Plastics Corp. 1029 Upgraded
M.H. Eby, Inc. 3922
M/C/M Fabrication & Welding 1223
Machinery Scope 110
Magik Kleener 2559
Magnojet USA, LLC. 4006
Mainero USA & Dose Manufacturing 1527 Upgraded
Mandako 2232
Manitou North America 1412
Martin-Till 2534
Master Burn/Master Blaster 4160
Mathews Company 2226
Maxam Tire North America 1207
MCR Technologies Group, Inc. / Weighshark 1706
Meridian Manufacturing 3200
Merschman Seeds 850
Micro-Trak Systems, Inc. 823
Mid Iowa Auction Company 4112
Midland Door Solutions 1015
Mid-Tech Services 3810
Midwest Bio-Tech 612 Upgraded
Midwest Critical Power 1605
Midwest Econo Sales 816
Midwest Laboratories 910
Midwest Perma-Column, Inc. 1041 Upgraded
Midwest Petroleum Equipment LLC 1219
Midwest Polyfoam 748
Miller Hybrids 711
Minimizer 917
Minnesota Pneumatic Products 1851
Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratory (MVTL) 732
Montag Manufacturing Inc. 1521
Moore Automation, Inc. 2526
Morton Buildings, Inc. 523
Multitool Grinders 1808
National Equipment, Inc. 814
Nature Safe Organic Fertilizers 527 Upgraded
Nealey Company 4158
Neeralta Manufacturing 1326
Nessa, Inc. 2322 Upgraded
New Ag Supply 1810
New Cooperative Precision Ag 806
New Holland 2352
NewFields Ag 922
NexLevel Irrigation 107
NorBin 826
Norofert Ag 314
Northland CDL Training 4042 Upgraded
Northwest Fire Safety 744
Norwood Sales 2200
Notch Mfg. Inc. 2345
N-Rich Plant Food & Fertilizer, Inc. 817
Nuhn Industries Ltd. 1823
NuMark Building Corporation 704
NutraBoss, Inc. 4070
NutraDrip 822
Nutrient Management Specialists, LLC 945
Nutriplant 739
Nxt Level Deer Suplements 2504
O'Connell Drainage by: Legacy Equipment Co. 3800
Orbit Farm Technologies 300
Oscar-Wilson Engines & Parts 2503
Ostara 500
Out Farming, LLC 4156
Outback Guidance 1022
P&P Electric 818
Parsell/Boost-a-Sweep & Boost-a-Slide 1704
Parts4farm 1913
Pawlutions LTD/RcFarmArm 405
PEAK Forage Solutions 2522
Perka Buildings by Miracle Innovations 706
Persistent BioControl 308
Petersen Manufacturing Co. 4056
PetroChoice / Moove 2510
PhiBer Manufacturing Inc. 2220
Phospholutions 306
Pit Stop Works 406
PitCharger 1211
Piusi USA 702
Pivot Bio 427 Upgraded
Pluto Commodities 2569
Poly Tech Industries, Inc. 1103
Port Industries 3714 Upgraded
PowerLift Hydraulic Doors 1026 Upgraded
Practical Farmers of Iowa 115
Prairie Ag Supply/Scag 4124
Prairie Grain Analyzers Inc 1008
Prairie Hybrids 320
Praxidyn 1005 Upgraded
Precision Intakes LTD 1912
Precision Planting 841
Prescription Tillage Technology LLC 509
Price Bros. Equipment 1815 Upgraded
Prime Ag 103 Upgraded
Prime Attachments 3500
Prinsco 717
ProfitPro, LLC 727
Pro-Stitch Closing Wheels (Honey Creek Seed Co.) 4004
PTx Trimble 203 Upgraded
Pure Water 222
PURIS Foods 525
Purple Wave Auction 705
QLF Agronomy 721
Quality Craft Tools 860
Quality Drills 2561
Quantum Hedging 311
R Comm Wireless 1009
Rabe Hardware 2515
Ram Roofing and Solar 4142
Real Harrows LLC 1700
Redstone Content Solutions 516
Reimer Welding Inc. 1710
Richmond Brothers Equipment 725
Riesenberg Enterprises 2554
Ringsted Welding & Fabrication Inc. 4082
Ritchie Industries 1151
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd. 2214
River Valley Pipe 4178
RM Enterprises 2132
RMH Systems 328
Rob-See-Co 4102
Rocoza LLC 4136
Rodman Drill 1844
Rostech Electronics 726
Rovensa Next 521
RSE Fabrication 4088
S&K Packaging 750
S.I. Distributing, Inc. 1241 Upgraded
Saddle Butte Ag Inc. 740
Salford Group, Inc. 2032
Salin 247 3410
Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants 715 Upgraded
Schaffert Mfg. Co. Inc. 803
Schlagel Mfg. 518
Schumacher Company, LC 1901 Upgraded
Schweiss Doors 1701
Scott AG Solutions, LLC 1145
Seismi, Inc. 409
Seneca Companies 3030
ServiTech 4184
Sharp Harvest 307
Shivver Mfg./Shivvers Technology & Innovation Group 1216
Shop Tools Outlet 4129, 4133 Upgraded
Shur-Co 2514
Silveus Insurance Group 737
Simonsen Industries 226
Simplot Grower Solutions 2506
SkyDronesUSA 614 Upgraded
Skysense AI 305
SMA, Inc. 4144
Smart Art 4123
Smithfield Grain 1903
SnirtStopper 4159
Soil Curse Buster 1621
SOIL Service Inc. 4020
Soil Solutions LLC 123
Soil-Max Inc. 923
Sorem Sales, Inc. 1607
Sprayer Specialties, Inc. 2406 Upgraded
Spraytec Fertilizers 1133
Spread-All Mfg. Co. 515
Springfield Plastics, Inc. 1134
Stalkknockers 1018 Upgraded
Statera Ag, LLC 2556 Upgraded
Steffes Auctioneers 1043 Upgraded
Stew Hansen Dodge 1705
Stine Seed Company 1044 Upgraded
StoneX Financial Inc. - FCM Division 213
Stor-Loc 4081
Storm Lake Tarps and Repairs 3032
Strobel Manufacturing Inc. 1725
Stutsmans 2440
Sudenga Industries, Inc. 1606
Sukup Manufacturing Co. 2300, 2400
Summit Carbon Solutions 617
Sunnybrook Combine Parts 1806
Sunrise Post & Frame 4141
Sunshine Feeding Systems 3000 Upgraded
Superior Grain Equipment 820 Upgraded
Superior Life Lighting 119
Sure Crop Fertilizers 1215
SurePoint Ag Systems 1802
Swinger Mfg. 4086
Synagro 122
Syntex Industries 1904
Talc USA 318
Taranis 418
TeeJet Technologies 1141
Ten Percent Ag 720
TenCorp 4054
TerraClear Inc. 3300
Terraplex Ag LLC 3310 Upgraded
TerreMax 935
TEVA Holdings 1042
TH Fabrication, LLC 4174
The drainEDGE Company 1921
The Fine Twine Co. 819 Upgraded
The Flashlight People 912
The Harnack Company - Grasshopper Mowers 4116
The Original Bucketstool/RWK Solutions 220
The parallelarmexchange.com 1702
Thorp Equipment 1821 Upgraded
Thrasher Foundation Repair 1917
Thunder Creek Equipment 1718
Thunderstruck Ag Equipment 321 Upgraded
Timewell Drainage Products 624 Upgraded
Timpte, Inc. 2024
Titan Pro 324 Upgraded
Titan/Goodyear 905
TMT Ag Solutions LLC/Green Lightning 316
Trackfarmer.com 2511
Tractor Protection Products 512
TractorHouse/AuctionTime 4010 Upgraded
Trader PhD Ag Marketing 714
Tredas, LLC 608
Tredz Central 4009
Treffler-Man@Machine 4155
Tri States Grain Conditioning, Inc. 2537
Truck Center Companies 419
Truck Country 742
Tyler Muller Cattle- Reproductive Services 1629
U.S.A. Fuel Trailers, LLC 3012 Upgraded
Unified Ag Solutions 2152 Upgraded
Universal Industries 2221
Unverferth Mfg. Co., Inc. 2156, 2052
Upfit Ranch 1827
V & H Ag Services Inc. 4180
V & M Hydraulic Multiplier 4108
Valent USA LLC 916
Van Wall Energy 828
Vander Haag's, Inc. 4094
Vence/Merck 413
Vermeer Corporation 1409
VT Insurance Agency LLC 124
Vulcan Equipment 4186 Upgraded
W3 Construction 4153
Wagner Conveyor 3906 Upgraded
Walinga USA Inc. 1615
Warren's Grain Dryers, LTD 2108
Warschkow Country Sales 4014
Washer Systems Of Iowa, Inc. 4135, 4137
Wehmeyer Seeds/Agrimaxx 1224
Wells Ag Supply 4176
WesLynn Enterprises 703
Wickenkamp Live Trap Mfg. 520
Wilger Inc 731
Wilson Trailer 2450
Winn Rack, LLC 1121
Wyffels Hybrids, Inc. 2555
Yant Equipment 1225
Yetter Farm Equipment 1306
Youngblut Ag 834 Upgraded
Z&J Farms 2306
ZahnTech 417
Ziegler Ag Equipment 2412
Zimmerman Mfg 4162 Upgraded