Main benefits of our WHCF 450 machine:
• Winding time, compared to conventional or any comparable machines the winding time can be reduced up to 50%
• Due to the strip insulation which is under constant tension the coil will become very compact, thus reducing the outside dimension of the coil.
• Conical layer build up of the insulation, graded insulation can be easily programed and results in a very compact coil. End filler is built up with the same strip insulation.
• The possibility to flatten round wire directly on the machine ( no separate station ) results in a higher filling factor of the coil and material savings.
• Flexibility of the system, strip insulation offers a great flexibility for different coil designs. Only a few strip dimensions are enough for different coil length and designs, compared to full width insulation you will be able to save a lot on the material costs.
• Absolut constant wire tension independent of the actual winding diameter due to our improved dancer ragulation system in combination with the motor driven wire brake.