All secondary containment units have to incorporate some type of drainage system to evacuate water. The C.I.Agent® HFF is ideal for this application as it filters and processes water removing hydrocarbons to a non-detectable level. C.I.Agent® HFF is currently being used in, but not limited to, the following applications: containment cooling water towers, retention pond out-flows, oil-water separator out-falls, storm drain inserts, electrical substations, storm water run-off, and bulk storage tank farms rain water out-falls. Each C.I.Agent® HFF is capable of processing water at the pre-determined rate specified by the customer and will remove all organic hydrocarbons from the water. It can be installed to provide waste and rain water drainage for new secondary oil containment systems around electric substations and transformers, though it’s also ideal for retrofitting existing containment systems for SPCC-compliant drainage.