Midwest Bio-Tech  

Erie,  IL 
United States
  • Booth: 612

We market the complete line of Chandler crop products for crops and livestock. The crop products enhance soil health, generate early emergence and root development, and build plant development. We also offer Solvita soil health tests through our lab.


  • Chandler Dry Seed Treat
    Chandler Dry Seed Treat enhances germination and early root growth in all seeded crops. Apply the product to seed in drill or planter boxes and use in place of talc or graphite....

  • Chandler Biocat 1000
    Biocat 1000 multiplies the beneficial fungi that decay plant residue. The product recycles more nutrients from residue before the next crop and decays weed seeds. ...

  • Chandler Soil
    Chandler Soil is an enzyme-based liquid that multiplies beneficial soil microbes. The product improves nutrient availability, soil health, organic matter, and drainage....